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Chapter 804 A Crazy Wild Night:(Group Sex):>Ep7

  • There was another lightning strike, followed soon after by another deafening boom. Shortly after that, I could feel the wind pick up significantly. The tent began to shake and the trees rustled loudly. Then the rain started. It was light at first, rapping gently against the tent, but it soon picked up, and, before long, it was coming down really hard. It was suddenly deafeningly loud in the tent and starting to get a little scary.
  • After what must have been at least five minutes of incredibly heavy rain, I grabbed a flashlight and pointed it outside. I could see that the rain had been coming down so hard and fast that it was causing significant pooling and runoff. Thankfully, there was a bit of a slope to the bluff we were on and the tall trees behind us were providing some amount of cover from both the rain and the wind. I began to worry about Hannah and Mei, though. Their tent was much more exposed and was lower on the bank than ours. It also wasn't nearly as well put together or secured. It was just a little pup tent for backpackers.
  • Shortly after that, I heard one of them scream. I immediately grabbed the flashlight and unzipped our tent. I was still entirely naked, but there wasn't time to worry about that. I splashed through the puddles in my bare feet until I got to the edge of the bluff overlooking their campsite. When I pointed the flashlight down, I was shocked to see that their tent was no longer where it had been. I couldn't see it anywhere. I could see both women, though. Hannah was standing where the tent had been, completely naked. She looked confused or in a daze. Mei, also completely naked, was pulling on her arm, screaming at her, trying to get her to move. They were standing in what looked to be at least six inches of fast moving water that was flowing from the higher part of the bluff down toward the river.
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